MUR 108


1848 The Union Sugar Estates Co. Ltd. is formed by the merging of three plots of land totaling 69.98 hectares. A sugar factory is built on site, and the company owns a steam mill, producing 321 tons of sugar and 250 barrels of cane syrup. It is likely that the name UNION was given for […]


1913 The Union Sugar Estates Company Limited is officially recognized and registered as a corporate entity.


1945 The miller planter aspect of Union begins as it co-owns a mill with its two immediate neighbors, Saint Aubin Limitée and Bel Air Sugar Estate Limited. The joint venture, known as Société Union Saint Aubin, operates on the site of Union’s old mill. In its prime, SUSA crushed up to 490,000 tons of cane. […]


2011 Société Union Saint Aubin closes down. Its milling operations are centralized on Omnicane Miling Co Ltd at La Baraque. This marks the end of an era in the industrial history of Union and its partners.

Current day

Current day Union continues its operations, contributing to the beautification of its environment and maintenance through its manicured fields. It also involves itself in property development, including sales of agricultural land and residential developments, particularly around the village of Souillac, meeting local demand for residential land.